There were 3 kinds of celebrating compositions: opening compositions, maintenance composition, and renewal compositions.
Usually, people wrote compositions with calligraphy on the ridge beams.
But, palaces, temples, or offices had long compositions to write, thus they put compositions written on a separate paper in special cases.

Instead of paper, silk was also used and special cases for composition were made from bamboos, woods, or copper. Valuables were also put in the case to be helpful for the next maintenance or renewal. Normally compositions were seen because they were written on the bottom part of ridge beams, but offices building hided the compositions by writing them under the floor or on upper side of ridge beams.

There are 24 celebrating compositions in Seonam-sa Sungbo Museum, including the maintenance composition for the main shrine written by Kim Jeongkyun, the nephew of Kim Josun.
Celebrating compositions give very precious data to understand the history of temple since compositions contains records of history of a temple and building, numbers of monks in a temple, and buildings.